Monday, September 29, 2008

And the beat goes on...

That's one thing that I have keep repeating today after the appointment with the doc. Today was the day with the doc to get an ultrasound to see if I have any good mature eggs. Well, there was not even one good egg! The doctor said it looks like you aren't really responding to the meds. So, here's the plan. Instead of waiting the normal amount of time for my cycle to over with - he gave me a script for Prometrium to start it today. That way, within a week I'll be starting a new cycle. I go back in two weeks to find out if I have any cysts on my ovaries. If I'm clear then I'm going to be taking 200mg of clomid and doing the same steps as this month. If it doesn't work this coming month - he said we will have to talk about other options.

I feel really disappointed that there was nothing there. I was having high hopes, since the meds have been working (or at least the side effects have been working wonderfully).

So, I'm allowing myself to be down for the day, but only for today. I have to still believe that it is possible to get pregnant. It just makes it kinda hard to believe that when there was nothing there.

At least now I have a reason to drown myself in the chocolate and ice cream! Turtle Toms, you are calling my name after dinner!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Follow-up from Doctor's Appointment

So, the appointment went fine. He went over all the test that had been done and what they should be at.

HSG test - was clear as the tech had told me the day of the procedure.
Blood work - Everything is where he expected it to be at with the PCOS.
Eric's Test - His test came back okay - not good, like we had hoped. The Doc says that it's not bad and that stress can cause it to be down. He has to get rechecked in November.

So, the game plan...
Take the daily - Metformin and Prenatal Vitamin
Cycle day 5-9 - Clomid 150mg/day
Cycle day 13 - Ultrasound, if good egg, inject Noveral

And we will go from there.

So, once again, it's a waiting game. I at least feel like there is a big chance for us to get pregnant now. Beforehand I wasn't so sure. I was even starting to think that maybe we weren't able to have kids at all. I'm just now worried that if I do get pregnant if anything will happen with it or if I will happen to have multiples. I'm not sure if I can handle having more than twins.

Well, I go in for my Ultrasound on the 29th. I will update more when that comes around.

Wish us - a good egg! :-)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Long OVER DUE Post

Sorry everyone! I know it's been forever since I posted a blog.. Lets see what all has happened in the past month or so...

Our Specialist Doctor appointment has been canceled a total of 5 times and we still haven't gotten in yet, we are scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9, so, we will wait and see.

Eric had his test done - everything went fine, now just waiting for the results when we go to the doctors appoointment.

We visited Shanna and Travis in Holland, one Saturday. While Hannah stayed over at Joel's house with Diva and Aspen (2 white boxers).

We got our tickets for the Metallica Concert in January!

Over the Labor day holiday I had a 4 day weekend. Which was nice, I don't get those very often. I moved some things around the house and spent time over at the in-laws..

My in-laws have given their old computer to me to clear it out some so I can give it to my mom to have, since their laptop isn't operating like it should be.

Work - It's a CRAZY mad house. I'm like a month and 2 weeks behind on all of my paperwork. It doesn't help when Joel has me working on the floor and also doing work for him. AHH!! I told him that while Stan is gone (he's out due to health problems) that we need to get a temp in to help me out so I can help him do his job so he can do Stan's job too. He said he will check into it. Which mean just about JACK SHIT! Stupid Idiot!

When I was visiting Shanna we decided since nothing has been planned for the 10 year that we would go ahead and plan it. So, I've been crazy with all of that. I have made all the plans for the event (that need to be made as of now), located about 30-40 classmates on either Facebook or MySpace, Created a database with all the information stored, Created a group on MySpace (Freeland Class of 1998), Created a group on Facebook (Freeland Class of 1998), Created a website for our class (, Created designs for t-shirts and posted them on an online site for classmates to buy them and all the proceeds go to products and services not included in the ticket cost (

That's about it for now... I will post after the appointment tomorrow with an outcome of the meeting with the doctor.

Stay Tuned! :-)