Monday, September 29, 2008

And the beat goes on...

That's one thing that I have keep repeating today after the appointment with the doc. Today was the day with the doc to get an ultrasound to see if I have any good mature eggs. Well, there was not even one good egg! The doctor said it looks like you aren't really responding to the meds. So, here's the plan. Instead of waiting the normal amount of time for my cycle to over with - he gave me a script for Prometrium to start it today. That way, within a week I'll be starting a new cycle. I go back in two weeks to find out if I have any cysts on my ovaries. If I'm clear then I'm going to be taking 200mg of clomid and doing the same steps as this month. If it doesn't work this coming month - he said we will have to talk about other options.

I feel really disappointed that there was nothing there. I was having high hopes, since the meds have been working (or at least the side effects have been working wonderfully).

So, I'm allowing myself to be down for the day, but only for today. I have to still believe that it is possible to get pregnant. It just makes it kinda hard to believe that when there was nothing there.

At least now I have a reason to drown myself in the chocolate and ice cream! Turtle Toms, you are calling my name after dinner!


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