Thursday, September 24, 2009

The waiting begins...

Well, the Egg Retrieval went as planned. We arrived and Eric did his thing in record time. ;-) Then we went and ate at IHOP. Got back to the doc's in time for me to take my Valium. When it was time for me to go back I was starting to feel the effects from the Valium already. We went back into the "surgical room" where they pumped some IV meds into me... Pain killers and an amnesiac (or something like that). Eric told me that the needle that they used was literary a foot and a half long. With that same needle they stabbed both ovaries to take out the mature eggs. After that was done they sent me to recovery for a little bit and asked how I was doing. Since I appeared to be fine, they sent me along my way. When we got home I was still under the effects of the IV meds. Once they wore off... OMG, I got sicker than a dog! And I was in so much pain! It hurt to walk, sit, lay down - just about everything. Eric finally called the nurse on call and asked for something stronger than Tylenol. She sent in a script for Vicodin. I only used that right before I went to bed, so, I could sleep.

Sunday I was feeling a little better I was getting around easier, but still in pain. We ended up going with Eric's parents for dinner (since it was my MIL's birthday brunch).

We got the call on the fertility report - they retrieved 12 eggs, 1 was not mature enough. So, that left us with 11. ALL 11 FERTILIZED!

Monday we went back in the morning for the Transfer. The doc said that the two embryos that he was putting back in were really good and gives us a better chance of them sticking. After he got done I was put over in recovery for an hour with my legs propped up. During this time Eric ran to Meijer so he could get some pillows for the car for the ride home. We traveled home and I was in the backseat on the way home.

I've been taking it easy since then. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! :-)

Here is the pic of the embryos that the doc gave us on the day of the retrieval.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Update

I went to the doc appt yesterday and things are going along as planned. The biggest at the moment is 16.5 and there's quite a few right behind. I stay on the same meds and go back on Wednesday. I'm already starting to feel some pressure from the ovaries and I have to pee all the time! Thy think the Egg Retrieval will be Friday or Saturday, but we will know for sure tomorrow with the ultrasound.

Over the weekend Eric had to go into ER since his ankle was swollen and he couldn't put any pressure on it. Comes to find out that he has a sprained ankle. How did this come about? Well, last week (Wednesday) we went to a friends house for dinner. Well, the 2 year old and 4 year old was playing around with Eric. One of the times the 2 year old kicked Eric in the ankle... Eric didn't think anything of it, since it was just sore. When he woke up Saturday he couldn't really put any pressure on his ankle. I tried getting him to go to the doc before we went to moms, but he refused. While we were at moms he told me after the Michigan game he wants to go. We got there around 8pm and left about midnight. The hospital was not that busy, I think they were just super slow! He now has a fiberglass splint on his leg and he goes to the doc today. He was instructed not to get it wet and not to put pressure on it at all! So, he's been on crutches! Poor baby!

Well, I will update more tomorrow when I know what happens with my doc and the outcome of Eric's doc visit.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Update!

The Ultrasound went good... I have 9 on the right side that are getting bigger...
1 - 11
4 - 9
4 - 7-8

On the left side I have a lot of small and about 6 that are between 8-9. Dr Young thinks Thursday or Friday for the ER (Egg Retrievial).. So excited!! I go back Monday morning to see how I'm progressing. He kept me on the same medication dosage. So, we will have to wait till Monday. But I'm doing good. I can start feeling some discomfort. I have for the most part stopped lifting heavy things and having other people do that for me. I've been trying to be good, no lifting, no caffiene, trying to take it easy and little stress. Well, more updates are to come..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hey everyone! I had my one wedding this past weekend. That went well. Everything went so smooth and the couple was so wonderful to work with. It was a pleasure to work for them. Desma was suppose to give me my shot, well, she chickened out last minute. Thank god for the Mother of the Bride who was a nurse. She offered her services. She was a lifesavor!

Well on Sunday we started the "Heavy drugs". I went in for an ultrasound yesterday. I have 10 in one ovary and 6-8 in the other one. They are small at the moment, but that's where the doc's want them to be at. So, so far everything is going good. When they tried drawing blood though they had problems. They had a poke me a few times - finally they got a spot on my hand. Ouch! Well, I'm starting to feel a little crampy here and there. But nothing too bad. It's coming up so soon. I just hope the 2WW will go by fast when that time comes. I go back on Friday for another Ultrasound. So, we will see where that takes us.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been forever, so sorry!

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting in like forever! Like a few months! HA! Well, I'm back! Well, since then there has been a lot of stuff going on. I have two wedding's coming up to do. I have one this coming weekend and then another one two weeks from then. Which, I'm not even sure if I will be able to make it to that one. I just might have to pass on it and have Desma get one of her old friends to help her out. You maybe asking yourself - why would you miss the wedding? Well, I might have to take a "Medical Leave". :-)

If you don't know by now. We are on our way to doing IVF. I have been on Lupron for the past 14 days. I went into the doctor's office to get an ultrasound and no cysts! That means I'm free and clear to start for IVF. I continue on the Lupron and on Sunday I start the heavier drugs. The nurse said that the IVF could take place anywhere between the 18-21st. I'm getting SO excited! I just hope and pray that this works for us. Eric called me on his way into work today and he said he was thinking.... Oh boy, he was thinking... :-) That if this does work out he doesn't want to tell that many people until we hit the 3 month period, due to just in cause something happens. Well, I don't see how we would be able to keep our mouths shut for that long... And with having so many people know what we are going through... It's going to be hard not to say anything at all, since everyone will be asking if I know anything yet. I'm not one to be able to hold many things in. How am I suppose to keep my mouth shut about it, either if we are or not. Oh well. I've been rather impressed with my boss though. I didn't think he would take me having to leave all the time for the doctor's visits very well, but he has! Which is a very good thing.

I can tell that the Lupron has taken affect. I have the hot flashes. One moment I'm hot then the next I'm chilly. Just not really a even playing field. Then, I've been getting headache's every once in a while and only taking Excedrin when I can't take it anymore. I know that I'm not suppose to take anything at all, if I do I take Tylenol. Tylenol doesn't do anything for me.

Oh well, I will type more later!! I swear! :-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Things are starting to look up...

First of all, I've been trying to clean out the closets and storage unit - everything that is worth anything, I've been trying to sell them on Craigslist. Thus far I have sold my games, end tables, and bike. We'll see what else we can sell. If you are interested in anything here's the link.

We bought a Tony Little Gazelle.... So far, I have been on it everyday. Yesterday I was on it for a total of 1 HOUR!! I'm not even sore today! It's awesome! Hopefully I can keep up with it.

I have my first client with Events by CAM! I'm doing a baby shower! I'm excited about it! I know that it's small, but we all have to start somewhere. I have ordered some stuff from Vista Print and the stuff turned out really nice. So, if you want a business card, magnet or something else, let me know and I will get some to you. :-)

I had my appraisal today at work and I got a decent raise along with a promotion, kinda... I'm now the Administrative Assistant / Office Lead (a.k.a. Assistant Manager). I got a $1 raise from it, so that works! And you have to know the company that I work for. You are lucky to get a 20 cent raise. I even got to take part in an interview today. And all I can start off by saying is tramp! Her outfit for the most part was fine, besides her shirt! Really LOW neckline. It was not interview attire! She's young and I'm not sure about her. The boss on the other hand didn't want to see other options! Damn Male! We'll see how she works out!

Well, we have about a month before we head to NC for a week in a half. I have to get either Justin or Anna trained on how to do my job before I leave! I really don't want to come back to a huge mess! Which I'm sure I still will. Oh boy!

Well, I think that's going to be it for now. I think it's time to go on the gazelle! Time to get physical! :-)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My new "job"...

After being talked into it, I'm working on my own business now. It's called "Events by CAM". I already have a website created for it. and I have an assistant whenever I need her. She's been in the business for YEARS and got out of it and now wants back in. She is a good friend and helped me with my wedding. It's something that I love to do, so, hopefully by word of mouth this will kick off for me. This would be a good way to save up some money for IVF too. I have done my research and my cost are cheap compared to others out there. But unlike them, I'm willing to put in 100% into any event that I will do! Since - that's what I do anyways.

Well, work sucks as usual. Not this past week, but the week prior I worked 62.1 hours. I like getting paid for overtime, but come on now! I just got stuck with timelines that I couldn't keep up with, so, I ended up having to bring work home with me. Ah well, I got the work done and that's all that matters. This past week, I tried to take it a little more relaxed, well, I still worked 52 hours or something like that. So, not as bad, but still a lot.

We had a friend of the family's bridal shower to go to today... That was interesting. I felt SO out of place. I have only met the people a few times and the bride I had only met once before. Eric isn't to happy with the groom, since he wasn't asked to be in the wedding at all. I understand why his feelings are hurt. Espessally finding out today that he has 7 groomsmen and he was one of ours. So, he's trying to get through that. I'm trying to get him through it.

I got this wonderful computer cabinet from craigslist this weekend for only $30! It's really nice, it's got some dings and scratches, but it all works nicely!

So, this coming weekend, after Eric and I get out of work we are heading up to mom's to give her back some of her stuff and give her my old desk. This coming weekend is also the Walleye Festival. Which is a HUGE event for most Freelanders... For me it just means GARAGE SALES! Too bad I won't be up there in the morning to go to them. Oh well, maybe later on we can go around and look.

Well, I should get going to bed. I will update more later. GOODNIGHT!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We have a plan!

After receiving the bad news yesterday...  We sat down to seriously think about what we are going to do.  We have decided that we are going to be very careful how we spend our money now-a-days.  And try our hardest to save as much as possible.  And I have worked out our budget up until we go to North Carolina to watch dad's shop in June.  By then we should (if everything goes as planned) I have it worked out that we would HALF of what is needed for the IVF!  Which is AWESOME!  That would work wonderful, since we don't want to start any of the IVF treatments until after we get back.  And who knows, maybe I can convince daddy dearest to help out some, so, he could have some grandkids in the near future...  But you never know...  We are hoping that some of our family is willing to help us out too.  We will just have to wait and see.

Friday, April 3, 2009

And the answer is in...

So, I called the doc's office and told them I need lab work since I haven't started yet. She said if I were to go in the morning they would know by the afternoon if I was or not. Well, I got the call about 1:45 and they told me my answer... Unfortunately I'm NOT pregnant this cycle. So, after I got the call, I called Eric and told him. We are both shocked with the news. We thought that I was for sure this time. Since I had a lot of the symptoms, but it wasn't enough. Now to try to raise some money... I'm sure they will say IVF will be next. If anything we will just have to wait a year and save until then, unless we can get the money, somehow.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Trying not to go crazy!

So, as you all can guess we had our IUI Saturday (March 21st). I'm now in the two week waiting period. I'm just waiting for the two weeks to pass. Here's the instructions that I was given... If I don't start my period within 14 days of the IUI to call for a blood pregnancy test (which they will fax to the lab of my choice). Then they will call with the results. I'm really trying to think positive about this cycle, but I do have my doubts... BUT.... Then again, I am having some signs that I'm pregnant (it could also be caused from all the hormones in my system).

  1. Moody as HELL (the WORST I have ever been).
  2. Tired ALL the time.
  3. Always hungry or feeling sick and not wanting to eat.
  4. Sore nipples!
  5. Some Cramping
  6. Some Spotting, that's not deep red (it's brownish/pinkish).
I do think that I have a chance, since I haven't started my period, yet. I know in the past I have started my period right after I took a test (10 days past the HCG injection). Tomorrow will be 2 weeks from when I got the shot. This cycle I do feel a lot different than what I have in the past, so, that's a good thing. I did take a test at the 10 day mark, eventhough it was early... It did come up negative though, but it was a CHEAP test and it was EARLY. So, I'm still trying to be patient and wait. I have told myself and Eric that I'm not going to test until Sunday morning, if we don't get a call back on Saturday with the results from the blood work.

It has been a little easy to not think about it though, I have had work to take my mind off of the trying to get pregnant. It's been a mad house at work lately. With the so-called new system, that is from the same decade as the one that died. It's not that much more up to date. If anything it might be worse. We are having SO many problems with it that I might even get hooked up here at home that I can connect remotely from here at home, if something happened after I left work. Wonderful, right? Then, I would either want to be salaried or a pay raise, but is that going to happen - I doubt it. But my evauluation and review is coming up this month. So, I'm going to try to push for one, since I do SO much for them! Oh well, at least I have a job and I can get over time to get more money. I will just log my hours when I'm here at home when I have to work from home.

The policeman's ball is coming up on the 18th of this month. I'm excited about that. I haven't been to that in many years. We have to go out and get Eric a suit coat or a suit period, since he doesn't have one. I figured he needs one since he should wear suits to special events. I have a dress that I got for a new years eve thing, but never wore it. I'm thinking about wearing that, but I haven't decided. I think I'm going to look around while we are looking for Eric's Suit and see if I could find anything cheap. Otherwise I will just wear the back up dress that I have.

Well, I think I have typed enough. Once I know if this IUI was a success I will try to post it asap! Cross your fingers and toes! Even say a little prayer! I so hope everything works out!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's been FOREVER, I'm sorry!

Talk about major slacking, that's me!  I've been slacking so much lately when it comes to the blog!  I figured since I'm home alone with the animals that this is a good time to write a long blog with out Eric bothering me.  So, in the last blog I wrote that we are not pregnant.  Since then we were told to check out another fertillity doc.  Even though they are in Grand Rapids, but they are HALF of the cost!  So, I checked the website out to get more information about them ( and they have so much information on their website, it's so helpful!  I then checked out other sites that have forums to see if there were good/bad comments about them.  I didn't find anything negative, only positive.  We decided to switch after thinking about it.  And since we have gone there - OMG!  Such a difference from the other doc.  They think much differently than what the other doc did.  So, they had me start on Gonal F and I was on it for a while, actually tonight was the last dose of it for the month.  I have to get my HCG shot tomorrow at work (8am), so, Eric is going to come into the office to give me the shot.  Whoo!  Then, we go for the IUI on Saturday morning.  Then we have to head off to mom's for the rest of the day.  So, I will know 2 weeks after the IUI.  So, cross your fingers!  Cause if this doesn't work, we will have to do IVF, which is roughly around 5,000!  It's not as bad as the other at 10,000, but it's still bad.  It's not like we can just come up with that much money!  Like I have said in the past...  Want to make a donation to the Crystal Hope fund?  

Let's see what else has happened in the past little while that I haven't written a blog...  The computers are still "down".  They have gotten a "new" program, but it's still not working up to par.  We had one test store and there were errors!  Go figure, right?  We will see how quickly they can fix all the problems, if they will even fix them.  I'm sure since the stores will be bitching they will end up having to do something about it.  I did get a new computer though!  So, now I have Windows XP!  It's so much better than my old computer that had the 98!  The only bad thing with the new computer is that I can't do anything anymore!  They now have software that they can watch what I'm doing at anytime OR they can operate my computer from a remote location!  Like I was having problems connecting to my network drive to get to some files.  They logged onto my computer and were messing with the computer through theirs.  It was weird!  So, now I'm SO nervous about doing anything now...  Oh, well.  That just means that I have to work when I'm at work.  HAHA

My mother was in the hospital...  She was sick and had went to Redi-med and got meds, well, after taking the meds for a few days, she got worse.  Come to find out the meds were having a bad reaction with her - body rash, not being able to eat, almost passing out, no strength.  Come to find out after having to be hospitalized for 5 days.  She got admitted after finding out her blood sugar was SO high and they found out that her kidney's were not working propperly.  She's back to her normal self now, so, that's good.  She has even moved into her new place, which we haven't seen yet.

I had my 11 year high school reunion...  I had worked on it for a while and spent some of my cash planning it.  It was a bummer when not that many people showed up for it.  It was a good thing that everyone that showed up for the most part got along.  They were thinking about starting something over the summertime, but I'm not up for that.  I'd go to it, I just don't want to plan something like that since I had put so much time into this one and not getting that much for it.  Oh well, such as life.

We finally got a dishwasher!  It's so nice having a dishwasher and having clean dishes!  I no longer have to dread doing the dishes anymore!  THANK GOD!  I'm so glad that I had one the guys from work install it than spending the extra money that Best Buy was going to charge to install the dishwasher!  

It's been so nice out the past couple of days (besides today, it was kinda chilly) that I have been grilling out for dinner.  That's the best!  Having Steak, BBQ Chicken, Cheeseburgers and Hot dogs though the week has been nice too (not many dishes)...

Well, I will try to keep this blog a little more up to date than what I have been doing lately.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

For those dying to know...

Well, we went to the doc's office to find out that I'm NOT pregnant, but I have cyst's!! The doc said that we could try one more round of IUI, but he feels like IVF would be the next step for us. I feel the same, but the cost for it is $10, 000! We don't know where we are going to come up with the money to get it done. I wish we had the money, but we don't. I just feel like we are hopeless now since IVF is what we should do, but with no cash to do so. We are taking donations for the procedure if you are willing to be so kind and donate some money. We need all the help that we can get. I'm not really in the talking mood at the moment. So, if you need to get ahold of me, send me a text or message.

Thank you everyone for the hopes and prayers. Hopefully next time, whenever that is, will help us then.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I know, I know, I know...

I've been slacking A LOT on the blog. I have so much to update...

Jan 2nd was Eric's birthday. We went out to eat at Red Lobster, where he wanted to go. On that Saturday his sister, Heather and I set up a birthday party thing since he was turning 30! First of all we started at the Mason Bowling Center for bowling and cake. Then afterwards we went to Buddies bar and grill, then since we were kinda getting kicked out of the place we went to Champions bar and spent the rest of the night there. I was a fun night! :-)

I came back to normal after having my ovaries the size of CANTALOUPES! I went back in the 20th of Jan to see how I was doing. Doc was surprised to see that everything was back to normal. I started the clomid and the gonal f injections for this cycle. We then went in to find out that I had 5 MATURE EGGS! Everything is starting to look up now. And I was to get the HCG injection that night and come back on the 4th of Feb for the IUI! We are so excited and hoping that this works! We are now in the waiting period I have to go in on Monday to find out if I'm pregnant or not. I do feel different, but I'm not sure! My boobs are sore, I'm running to the bathroom all the time to piss, I'm more tired than normal and I've had some cramping going on. You never know, I might be pregnant, than again, maybe it didn't take.

Work has been nuts for the past 2 weeks. We are used to running AS/400 (a 20-30 year old program), but 2 weeks ago, that DIED! So, we have been doing everything by hand. I tell you - it's hard and stressful! But I think it's starting to come around. I guess we are going with another system called RAMS. I don't know what the hell that is. I have never of heard of it. I can't really find anything on it. UGGG!!! Oh well, I guess we all will be learning the system together. Yippie - until then I get to have paper pile up everywhere. By the way, my company is killing FORESTS now! We are going through SO much paper!!!

Well, I should be going for now, I don't want to bore you. :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009

We are now on HOLD!

We had everything planned for having an IUI done the Monday before Christmas, but I was not able to go into the office the Friday prior due to the funeral. So, instead I was going in for blood work and they were watching my levels through my bloodwork. You should have seen my arms. I looked like a druggie that kept on missing! I had SO many bruses on my arms! Everything was seeming to be fine, up till Sunday when I got the call from the doc that states that my levels are over 3,000 and it should only be at 2,000! Also, that I need to keep moving - I can't sit or lay for longer than 4 hours. I am HIGH RISK and have a higher chance to getting a blood clot! I was told to take a baby asprin a day. I had my ultrasound on Christmas Eve, only to find out that my Ovaries were the size of cantaloupes! Yes, you read that right - Cantaloupes! He states that I responded too well to the meds. He said that most women that he deals with can have 4 vials a day and only produce 2 or 3 eggs, while I was on 2 vials and produced 12! I was scheduled to go on on the 6th, but that is now canceled! Since the Sunday after Christmas my body decided to go ahead and start the cycle without no meds... I NEVER start on my own!!! I always have to take meds to get they cycle going. So, because of this, my appointment is now not till the 20th! I guess we will have to wait till then. Just by what happended this past month makes me think it's more possible - since now my body is reacting the meds, since when I was on the clomid by it's self I didn't respond very well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Christmas Holiday...

The holidays came and went TOO fast. I swear that I didn't have time to enjoy it at all with everything going on. Well, after the funeral, mom came back with us to stay until we went back on Christmas day. I think it was good for her to stay with us - it was a chance for her to get out of the environment for a little while. I was working a lot, due to the holiday schedules - I unfortunately was not home for long.

Christmas Eve
We went over to Eric's aunt and uncle's house to celebrate Christmas with his side. We took over a meat and cheese tray. OMG! I didn't think it was going to cost so much for us doing it ourselves. Next time I will spend the $25 to have someone else do it. All the food was good, as usual. Mom had gone along with us.

Here are some pictures...

The kids playing together...
Brandon being the little helper...
Watching the kids open their gifts...
Aunt Nancy...
Mom (in-law) and Dana..

Christmas Day
We started off by heading over to Eric's parents house to have them open gifts. It was entertaining watching Heather open our gift. Well, it all started with Eric's idea of rolling up cash. I took it the next step... I used a ziplock bag and filled it with powdered sugar and made sure it was airtight. I made a "starter kit" consisting of a mirror and a credit card. I had tightly rolled up 25 dollar bills and each of them were taped together. Along with some loose money in the box. We were all cracking up over it.

Here's some pictures:

Hannah - all dressed up!
Heather counting the rolled money...
Mom(in-Law) opening her gifts..

We headed up to Saginaw to celebrate Christmas with my side. We first went over to the house, set up the cage for Hannah, make the green bean casserole, and finish getting ready. When it was about time we headed over to Uncle Don and Aunt K's house. Once again - good food. Eric enjoyed Aunt K's holly cookies. Eric seemed like he was kinda bored. It was more low key then what it normally is. Since grandma was still so fresh in our memories. We did the white elephant gift exchange and Eric and I got left with the crap! So, not fair! Oh well, I'll use the one I got for next year. Since I don't want it. Usually after Christmas we always played cards, BUT this year it all changed. Everyone decided to do their own thing. Which was rather lame - since Eric and I were planning on spending the night just do we didn't have to run around and leave to come back home.

Here are some pictures...

Sitting around for the White Elephant Gift Exchange...

Jennifer not wanting her picture taken...

Playing the white elephant gift exchange...
Eric and TJ being bored...
Jenn and I (I love this picture!)AWESOME WINE!!!
Since there was nothing else better to do - Eric decided that he wanted to go see a movie. And since I was bored too, I said sure. We took along my 14 year old cousin - Jennifer. We went to go see the Spirit. At least tried to... We went into the theater and we were waiting for the movie to start... It was rather loud, but thought that it would quiet down after the previews started... WRONG! The theater was filled with rude, immature, little gangsters or wannabee's. I'm from that area and it was NEVER that bad! They were SO loud, walking all the time (even in front of the screen) talking on their cell phones, kicking chairs, throwing popcorn. When the little punks behind us started shaking Jennifer's chair - we decided to go. Eric was SO pissed. He asked to talk to the manager. Before we could even tell him what theater we were coming from he had already guessed. We got our money back - took Jennifer home and then went back to the house and went to bed.

Day after Christmas
I didn't feel very well from the time that I got out of bed, but we were still keeping our plans to go meet Steph for lunch. We met at Hunan for lunch. I couldn't really eat - I just felt sick. Then we went over to the mall. I just felt like I was getting worse. So, we had to call it a day. We said our goodbyes and we went back to the house to start packing. I tried taking some pepto while Eric was packing and loading up the car. I still wasn't feeling well and Eric just wanted to get me home. Well, on the way home - yeah - didn't make it home before we had to take a little detour. I had gotten sick IN the car! All over myself. Eric helped me the best he could by getting me a change of clothes out of the trunk and stood cover as I got changed on the side of the road. I had to sit in the back with Hannah for the remainder of the trip... Poor Eric, he could barely handle the smell. Yeah, it was rather bad!! I did start feeling better from that point. As soon as I got home. I took the LONGEST shower ever! I was a big ol' prune afterwards, but it was worth it!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Funeral - the goodbye...

Grandma's funeral went over well. The day of the showing was long but we all got through it. The day of the funeral, it had snowed overnight. And OMG it was bad! All of the roads had at least 10 inches of snow and the snow continuted to fall. Eric drove to the funeral home and when we finally got there it was NOT plowed! When we parked and I opened the door the snow came to the door... They decided not to have the continued service at the gravesite, except for immediate family members. So, after the funeral service was over with we went over to the cementary. We stood around the gravesite shivering in the cold watching grandma's casket be lowered into the ground. As Eric, I, Aunt K and Uncle Don were walking back to our cars, Eric slipped on some ice (since his shoes had NO traction), then as I was trying to help him up he slipped again and then fell face first into the snow. Poor Guy! It was a little humor on the dark day. We then were off to the church for some food. As we were trying to get out of the cemetary - we got stuck! Stupid snow! I was the one that was chosen to drive to the church. OMG! The roads were so horrible - One lane on a major road with no salt or anything with white out conditions. The food at the church was decent. It's always nice the church does so much for the family when something happens.
Now it comes to - everyone coping with the loss of a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a sister.... R.I.P. - Barbra Lou Morse - I will miss you and love you forever, my grandmother. I know that you and grandpa are together now looking down watching over all of us.