- Moody as HELL (the WORST I have ever been).
- Tired ALL the time.
- Always hungry or feeling sick and not wanting to eat.
- Sore nipples!
- Some Cramping
- Some Spotting, that's not deep red (it's brownish/pinkish).
It has been a little easy to not think about it though, I have had work to take my mind off of the trying to get pregnant. It's been a mad house at work lately. With the so-called new system, that is from the same decade as the one that died. It's not that much more up to date. If anything it might be worse. We are having SO many problems with it that I might even get hooked up here at home that I can connect remotely from here at home, if something happened after I left work. Wonderful, right? Then, I would either want to be salaried or a pay raise, but is that going to happen - I doubt it. But my evauluation and review is coming up this month. So, I'm going to try to push for one, since I do SO much for them! Oh well, at least I have a job and I can get over time to get more money. I will just log my hours when I'm here at home when I have to work from home.
The policeman's ball is coming up on the 18th of this month. I'm excited about that. I haven't been to that in many years. We have to go out and get Eric a suit coat or a suit period, since he doesn't have one. I figured he needs one since he should wear suits to special events. I have a dress that I got for a new years eve thing, but never wore it. I'm thinking about wearing that, but I haven't decided. I think I'm going to look around while we are looking for Eric's Suit and see if I could find anything cheap. Otherwise I will just wear the back up dress that I have.
Well, I think I have typed enough. Once I know if this IUI was a success I will try to post it asap! Cross your fingers and toes! Even say a little prayer! I so hope everything works out!
OOOOOH! Fingers crossed!
You have been in my thoughts (and prayers too!)I really hope this is your cycle. Try to hang in there with testing. I waited until 12 dpo......this was hard since I was addicted to POAS.....ovution sticks, pregnancy sticks, I just loved to POAS.
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