Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Follow-up from Doctor's Appointment

So, the appointment went fine. He went over all the test that had been done and what they should be at.

HSG test - was clear as the tech had told me the day of the procedure.
Blood work - Everything is where he expected it to be at with the PCOS.
Eric's Test - His test came back okay - not good, like we had hoped. The Doc says that it's not bad and that stress can cause it to be down. He has to get rechecked in November.

So, the game plan...
Take the daily - Metformin and Prenatal Vitamin
Cycle day 5-9 - Clomid 150mg/day
Cycle day 13 - Ultrasound, if good egg, inject Noveral

And we will go from there.

So, once again, it's a waiting game. I at least feel like there is a big chance for us to get pregnant now. Beforehand I wasn't so sure. I was even starting to think that maybe we weren't able to have kids at all. I'm just now worried that if I do get pregnant if anything will happen with it or if I will happen to have multiples. I'm not sure if I can handle having more than twins.

Well, I go in for my Ultrasound on the 29th. I will update more when that comes around.

Wish us - a good egg! :-)


Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm glad to hear that things are going OK. I will be thinking of you and sending you bags full of baby dust and good egg vibes.

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