Thursday, September 24, 2009

The waiting begins...

Well, the Egg Retrieval went as planned. We arrived and Eric did his thing in record time. ;-) Then we went and ate at IHOP. Got back to the doc's in time for me to take my Valium. When it was time for me to go back I was starting to feel the effects from the Valium already. We went back into the "surgical room" where they pumped some IV meds into me... Pain killers and an amnesiac (or something like that). Eric told me that the needle that they used was literary a foot and a half long. With that same needle they stabbed both ovaries to take out the mature eggs. After that was done they sent me to recovery for a little bit and asked how I was doing. Since I appeared to be fine, they sent me along my way. When we got home I was still under the effects of the IV meds. Once they wore off... OMG, I got sicker than a dog! And I was in so much pain! It hurt to walk, sit, lay down - just about everything. Eric finally called the nurse on call and asked for something stronger than Tylenol. She sent in a script for Vicodin. I only used that right before I went to bed, so, I could sleep.

Sunday I was feeling a little better I was getting around easier, but still in pain. We ended up going with Eric's parents for dinner (since it was my MIL's birthday brunch).

We got the call on the fertility report - they retrieved 12 eggs, 1 was not mature enough. So, that left us with 11. ALL 11 FERTILIZED!

Monday we went back in the morning for the Transfer. The doc said that the two embryos that he was putting back in were really good and gives us a better chance of them sticking. After he got done I was put over in recovery for an hour with my legs propped up. During this time Eric ran to Meijer so he could get some pillows for the car for the ride home. We traveled home and I was in the backseat on the way home.

I've been taking it easy since then. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! :-)

Here is the pic of the embryos that the doc gave us on the day of the retrieval.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Update

I went to the doc appt yesterday and things are going along as planned. The biggest at the moment is 16.5 and there's quite a few right behind. I stay on the same meds and go back on Wednesday. I'm already starting to feel some pressure from the ovaries and I have to pee all the time! Thy think the Egg Retrieval will be Friday or Saturday, but we will know for sure tomorrow with the ultrasound.

Over the weekend Eric had to go into ER since his ankle was swollen and he couldn't put any pressure on it. Comes to find out that he has a sprained ankle. How did this come about? Well, last week (Wednesday) we went to a friends house for dinner. Well, the 2 year old and 4 year old was playing around with Eric. One of the times the 2 year old kicked Eric in the ankle... Eric didn't think anything of it, since it was just sore. When he woke up Saturday he couldn't really put any pressure on his ankle. I tried getting him to go to the doc before we went to moms, but he refused. While we were at moms he told me after the Michigan game he wants to go. We got there around 8pm and left about midnight. The hospital was not that busy, I think they were just super slow! He now has a fiberglass splint on his leg and he goes to the doc today. He was instructed not to get it wet and not to put pressure on it at all! So, he's been on crutches! Poor baby!

Well, I will update more tomorrow when I know what happens with my doc and the outcome of Eric's doc visit.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Update!

The Ultrasound went good... I have 9 on the right side that are getting bigger...
1 - 11
4 - 9
4 - 7-8

On the left side I have a lot of small and about 6 that are between 8-9. Dr Young thinks Thursday or Friday for the ER (Egg Retrievial).. So excited!! I go back Monday morning to see how I'm progressing. He kept me on the same medication dosage. So, we will have to wait till Monday. But I'm doing good. I can start feeling some discomfort. I have for the most part stopped lifting heavy things and having other people do that for me. I've been trying to be good, no lifting, no caffiene, trying to take it easy and little stress. Well, more updates are to come..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hey everyone! I had my one wedding this past weekend. That went well. Everything went so smooth and the couple was so wonderful to work with. It was a pleasure to work for them. Desma was suppose to give me my shot, well, she chickened out last minute. Thank god for the Mother of the Bride who was a nurse. She offered her services. She was a lifesavor!

Well on Sunday we started the "Heavy drugs". I went in for an ultrasound yesterday. I have 10 in one ovary and 6-8 in the other one. They are small at the moment, but that's where the doc's want them to be at. So, so far everything is going good. When they tried drawing blood though they had problems. They had a poke me a few times - finally they got a spot on my hand. Ouch! Well, I'm starting to feel a little crampy here and there. But nothing too bad. It's coming up so soon. I just hope the 2WW will go by fast when that time comes. I go back on Friday for another Ultrasound. So, we will see where that takes us.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been forever, so sorry!

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting in like forever! Like a few months! HA! Well, I'm back! Well, since then there has been a lot of stuff going on. I have two wedding's coming up to do. I have one this coming weekend and then another one two weeks from then. Which, I'm not even sure if I will be able to make it to that one. I just might have to pass on it and have Desma get one of her old friends to help her out. You maybe asking yourself - why would you miss the wedding? Well, I might have to take a "Medical Leave". :-)

If you don't know by now. We are on our way to doing IVF. I have been on Lupron for the past 14 days. I went into the doctor's office to get an ultrasound and no cysts! That means I'm free and clear to start for IVF. I continue on the Lupron and on Sunday I start the heavier drugs. The nurse said that the IVF could take place anywhere between the 18-21st. I'm getting SO excited! I just hope and pray that this works for us. Eric called me on his way into work today and he said he was thinking.... Oh boy, he was thinking... :-) That if this does work out he doesn't want to tell that many people until we hit the 3 month period, due to just in cause something happens. Well, I don't see how we would be able to keep our mouths shut for that long... And with having so many people know what we are going through... It's going to be hard not to say anything at all, since everyone will be asking if I know anything yet. I'm not one to be able to hold many things in. How am I suppose to keep my mouth shut about it, either if we are or not. Oh well. I've been rather impressed with my boss though. I didn't think he would take me having to leave all the time for the doctor's visits very well, but he has! Which is a very good thing.

I can tell that the Lupron has taken affect. I have the hot flashes. One moment I'm hot then the next I'm chilly. Just not really a even playing field. Then, I've been getting headache's every once in a while and only taking Excedrin when I can't take it anymore. I know that I'm not suppose to take anything at all, if I do I take Tylenol. Tylenol doesn't do anything for me.

Oh well, I will type more later!! I swear! :-)