Sunday, April 19, 2009

My new "job"...

After being talked into it, I'm working on my own business now. It's called "Events by CAM". I already have a website created for it. and I have an assistant whenever I need her. She's been in the business for YEARS and got out of it and now wants back in. She is a good friend and helped me with my wedding. It's something that I love to do, so, hopefully by word of mouth this will kick off for me. This would be a good way to save up some money for IVF too. I have done my research and my cost are cheap compared to others out there. But unlike them, I'm willing to put in 100% into any event that I will do! Since - that's what I do anyways.

Well, work sucks as usual. Not this past week, but the week prior I worked 62.1 hours. I like getting paid for overtime, but come on now! I just got stuck with timelines that I couldn't keep up with, so, I ended up having to bring work home with me. Ah well, I got the work done and that's all that matters. This past week, I tried to take it a little more relaxed, well, I still worked 52 hours or something like that. So, not as bad, but still a lot.

We had a friend of the family's bridal shower to go to today... That was interesting. I felt SO out of place. I have only met the people a few times and the bride I had only met once before. Eric isn't to happy with the groom, since he wasn't asked to be in the wedding at all. I understand why his feelings are hurt. Espessally finding out today that he has 7 groomsmen and he was one of ours. So, he's trying to get through that. I'm trying to get him through it.

I got this wonderful computer cabinet from craigslist this weekend for only $30! It's really nice, it's got some dings and scratches, but it all works nicely!

So, this coming weekend, after Eric and I get out of work we are heading up to mom's to give her back some of her stuff and give her my old desk. This coming weekend is also the Walleye Festival. Which is a HUGE event for most Freelanders... For me it just means GARAGE SALES! Too bad I won't be up there in the morning to go to them. Oh well, maybe later on we can go around and look.

Well, I should get going to bed. I will update more later. GOODNIGHT!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We have a plan!

After receiving the bad news yesterday...  We sat down to seriously think about what we are going to do.  We have decided that we are going to be very careful how we spend our money now-a-days.  And try our hardest to save as much as possible.  And I have worked out our budget up until we go to North Carolina to watch dad's shop in June.  By then we should (if everything goes as planned) I have it worked out that we would HALF of what is needed for the IVF!  Which is AWESOME!  That would work wonderful, since we don't want to start any of the IVF treatments until after we get back.  And who knows, maybe I can convince daddy dearest to help out some, so, he could have some grandkids in the near future...  But you never know...  We are hoping that some of our family is willing to help us out too.  We will just have to wait and see.

Friday, April 3, 2009

And the answer is in...

So, I called the doc's office and told them I need lab work since I haven't started yet. She said if I were to go in the morning they would know by the afternoon if I was or not. Well, I got the call about 1:45 and they told me my answer... Unfortunately I'm NOT pregnant this cycle. So, after I got the call, I called Eric and told him. We are both shocked with the news. We thought that I was for sure this time. Since I had a lot of the symptoms, but it wasn't enough. Now to try to raise some money... I'm sure they will say IVF will be next. If anything we will just have to wait a year and save until then, unless we can get the money, somehow.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Trying not to go crazy!

So, as you all can guess we had our IUI Saturday (March 21st). I'm now in the two week waiting period. I'm just waiting for the two weeks to pass. Here's the instructions that I was given... If I don't start my period within 14 days of the IUI to call for a blood pregnancy test (which they will fax to the lab of my choice). Then they will call with the results. I'm really trying to think positive about this cycle, but I do have my doubts... BUT.... Then again, I am having some signs that I'm pregnant (it could also be caused from all the hormones in my system).

  1. Moody as HELL (the WORST I have ever been).
  2. Tired ALL the time.
  3. Always hungry or feeling sick and not wanting to eat.
  4. Sore nipples!
  5. Some Cramping
  6. Some Spotting, that's not deep red (it's brownish/pinkish).
I do think that I have a chance, since I haven't started my period, yet. I know in the past I have started my period right after I took a test (10 days past the HCG injection). Tomorrow will be 2 weeks from when I got the shot. This cycle I do feel a lot different than what I have in the past, so, that's a good thing. I did take a test at the 10 day mark, eventhough it was early... It did come up negative though, but it was a CHEAP test and it was EARLY. So, I'm still trying to be patient and wait. I have told myself and Eric that I'm not going to test until Sunday morning, if we don't get a call back on Saturday with the results from the blood work.

It has been a little easy to not think about it though, I have had work to take my mind off of the trying to get pregnant. It's been a mad house at work lately. With the so-called new system, that is from the same decade as the one that died. It's not that much more up to date. If anything it might be worse. We are having SO many problems with it that I might even get hooked up here at home that I can connect remotely from here at home, if something happened after I left work. Wonderful, right? Then, I would either want to be salaried or a pay raise, but is that going to happen - I doubt it. But my evauluation and review is coming up this month. So, I'm going to try to push for one, since I do SO much for them! Oh well, at least I have a job and I can get over time to get more money. I will just log my hours when I'm here at home when I have to work from home.

The policeman's ball is coming up on the 18th of this month. I'm excited about that. I haven't been to that in many years. We have to go out and get Eric a suit coat or a suit period, since he doesn't have one. I figured he needs one since he should wear suits to special events. I have a dress that I got for a new years eve thing, but never wore it. I'm thinking about wearing that, but I haven't decided. I think I'm going to look around while we are looking for Eric's Suit and see if I could find anything cheap. Otherwise I will just wear the back up dress that I have.

Well, I think I have typed enough. Once I know if this IUI was a success I will try to post it asap! Cross your fingers and toes! Even say a little prayer! I so hope everything works out!