Saturday, April 4, 2009

We have a plan!

After receiving the bad news yesterday...  We sat down to seriously think about what we are going to do.  We have decided that we are going to be very careful how we spend our money now-a-days.  And try our hardest to save as much as possible.  And I have worked out our budget up until we go to North Carolina to watch dad's shop in June.  By then we should (if everything goes as planned) I have it worked out that we would HALF of what is needed for the IVF!  Which is AWESOME!  That would work wonderful, since we don't want to start any of the IVF treatments until after we get back.  And who knows, maybe I can convince daddy dearest to help out some, so, he could have some grandkids in the near future...  But you never know...  We are hoping that some of our family is willing to help us out too.  We will just have to wait and see.


Ellen said...

You seem to be taking this all very well! You are a strong woman:) I am glad that your timeline may be better than you anticipated initially.

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